Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What are we doing with our Time? (on computers and communications)

Time is a unique resource. Just everyone has exactly the same amount of it in a day!
What makes few great achievers attain great results and immortality?
How are we consuming our computer and communication technologies?

All of us are engaged in one or more activities and functions every day. Slowly and steadily, the cycle of time moves us from the dawn to dusk of life. We may look back to the life with great happiness at our achievements, retrospect on missed opportunities, or disdain at ourselves and circumstances.
This is an attempt in observing what consumes the universal equal resource – Time and how they lead to end-state of contemplation.
The 24h/d or the 168h/w are same for all of us. It is just that we spend too much on it upon Type-1 and Type-2 throughout the life. When we can organize to do Type-3 work, we will attain the great happiness of success with life. 

1.       Consumers: 

Simply consume the time and other resources with unspecific goal, objective or result.

These are “Time Burners”, where time is exhumed. 

Often, the considerable amount of time we have after meeting the needs of mandatory functions of life (2) is consumed in random low-effort activities. Surfing TV channels (shifting channels every minute), Chatting, Watsup-ing, SMSing, Face-booking, twittering, randomly surfing on internet, adhoc walking, Going around Shopping–malls (without buying anything) etc. There is nothing much to prepare, nothing to assess as improving skills or effectiveness, or nothing much needed to learn.  These are most popular avocations of modern ‘rich’ society. Many of them have no need to do any mandatory functions to exist. Time Burners are high value business for companies announcing 3G or 4G. Very important aspect of 21st century lifestyle!

2.       Mandates: 

The life’s mandatory functions and activities that seek and use time and other resources.

There are things we do routinely or on need to do for existence.

E.g. swiping card on time, ensuring 40hr in the weekly time-log, Issuing monthly reports on due dates, attending the meetings and sifting through agenda points, checking bank accounts after salary day, filing IT returns on time, scheduling and obtaining Periodic Medical reviews, Attending functions etc. comprise this type. Large part of life is spent on this. Most of us will look towards these as the description of life.  These are done day after day for many years like dawn and dusk. It is our identity in nearly 50y of life. Occasionally, this pursuit grows into a status that we show as THE CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, CXO etc. At the dusk of life, most people will recapitulate these efforts of 50-60yrs and may – ‘be more disappointed by what they had not done than by what they had’.
Almost everyone has a life entangled in this pursuit.

3.       Accretionary Pursuits: 

Time and resources assigned to activities whose results accrete and develop into larger expressions.

Often driven by force or passion, it manifests into grand edifices of achievements in a life-time.

Driven by circumstance, force, motivation, environment, passion, and desire, we engage resources for a creative kind of work. Education phase of life – even if it is forced upon, become accretionary when we stand in Graduation queue to take the award.

Every famous person you can recount in any field developed from this pursuit.

All of us glimpse at these pursuits and its charm, knowingly or unknowingly many times in life.This is what makes human life so unique and expressive. Animals are not known to have any framework to try the Type-3.

While going to work under (2) is like a worker or robot, doing the same effort and task under (3) is qualitatively a different game. Essentially, the “Accretionary pursuits’ require - Ambition, Determination, Perseverance, Learning, Discipline, Teacher-student relations, group dynamics etc. It is normally set to higher levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Arts, Science, Social-Work, Education etc. more easily come within this category (even when it is perceived and pursued as Mandatory function).
  • Significant break-through, human growth and development are built upon the foundation of achievements of people who pursued ‘Accretionary targets’.
  • Their insights were converted into edifies of growth we see all around by diligent worker-bees following ‘Mandatory functions’ righteously.
  • The fruits of such efforts are enjoyed when we ‘Consume’ time with our fancy avocations available as ‘Time burners’  
Everyone can observe these 3 levels of activities in their lives. How one is tuned to (3) determines self-esteem, happiness and contention. Balance between 1, 2, and 3 makes contents of the life worthy. 

CIO is worried. What are our computers and communication technologies are being used for?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

RoboBusiness conference – showcasing the future - Beaming-in

Don’t just fly, don’t just drive, don’t just walk, and don’t park yourself in a closed Video Conference

Beam is here to place you at site of action! Beam-in and be part of the fun at the site.
Those of you who think, being there is important, but difficult and expensive – Beam-in is a real option!

I went to Santa Clara Convention Center, CA to attend the opening session of the RoboBusiness conference. I woke-up an hour before the event in Mumbai, India and took my “Beam-walk” at 6.40AM Indian time. Six hours before, I took a very useful driving training from Suitable Technologies, the company supporting the conference with “Beam” attendance.
Walking through the exhibition, I visited 5 stalls showcasing the state-of-art innovative products in robotics. Examined the product demonstration and discussed one-on-one with the innovators! I exchanged pleasantries with quite a few participants and watched some of the working robots in action. You can link to my G+ post for some of the interesting products.
This is a very invigorating experience. Something, I will remember and use for rest of my life!
  1.          The world is open to walk-around. It is not just another Video-Conference from a fixed set of locales
  2.        It allows the stake-holders to meet at regular work-place, rather than at a “staged” room
  3.       Virtual teams are now not so impersonal. Team members can meet at different venues and deliberate
  4.      People-to-People contact is now without all the complexities of inter-continental travel.
The “Beam’s” pictures and features are on the web site of the company. It is very easy to learn and navigate. The computer needs are very standard; the communication should strong and reliable.
My experience is worthwhile to open the avenue of opportunity. The personnel manning the booths, participants and other “Beam” walkers, all recognized the novelty. They all acknowledged the value of a “Beamer” from India joining the conference and deliberating with them. It was possible to zoom-in to their products and demonstrations, while meeting the presenter personally! I am planning to join all the keynote presentations in next 2 days and perceive the power of being there!
  • Managers now have a tool to walk into their work-centers and offices
  • Lead Scientists can go into their world-wide labs to examine prototypes and results
  • Social Leaders can do public meetings and interactions on “Beam”
  • Big-Fat weddings can have world-wide well-wishers join through "Beam"!
The possibilities are large and with 4G coming into India (and many other parts of world), this could be one of the directions the next decade will take.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Computer Science -vs- Computerization

Computer Science (CS) is a flag-bearer of 21st century human enterprise. It is all pervasive and is radically transforming everything from an Abacus to Z-transform (A to Z). For most of us and especially in the typical company’s IT department, the computer science is – i) Modern hardware (Smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and printers); ii) Infrastructure (Storage, network, IDC etc) and iii) Applications (MS-Office, Emails, ERP (SAP or equivalent). Two additional aspects – iv) Access Control and v) Security complete the typical staffing and emphasis of most IT departments in any company. In this post, understanding of what Computer Science offers and what Computerization defers (takes away) will be examined. There is urgent need to rethink how Computerization is thought about and implemented in companies to utilize the power of Computer Science.
Petroleum E&P needs Computerization that fosters Computer Science to achieve the performance beyond the marginal

A.                 Computer Science (CS)

Computer Science (CS) is among the world’s most “Open” and “Equal-Opportunity” branch of “Knowledge”. I am learning Python and wish to do Python+R coding to address some innovations I have conceived. Just every one reading this post has same opportunity to learn and be “Creative” in (or with) CS – with or without any formal degrees, recognitions or affiliations. Any number of examples can be cited to show how individual private efforts created new innovation in Computer Science.

Due to its (CS) promiscuity with almost every branch of human intellect and conduct, there is often an overlook to the core tenets of this subject matter. It covers many specialized areas of electronics, logic, mathematics, classification and organization methods. The unique approaches developed in CS created a revolution in human thought and contribution. Computer Science is best characterized by the way computer scientists approach the problem solution. Through their novel approach, the CS developed and delivered results with certain fundamental principles and practices. These are:

1. Abstraction                    : Right from the principle of semi-conductors through the binary arithmetic to the progressive building of complex standards and services like ASCII coding, TCP/IP, Logic Programming, Encapsulation, Objects, Knowledge Representation and Ontologies – are built logically and reversibly on robust abstraction.
2. Generalization             : Principles of data structures, database definitions, Codd’s relational model, Java architecture or Organization of WWW, are powerful examples of multitude generalizations, which do not limit to any single subject or aspect of human endeavor. CS brought forward the possibility that strong principles and inventions are defined by their ability to go across human boundaries. Universal appeal of the products and derivatives of computer (and communication) sciences arrive from the power of generalization
3. Scalability                      : The ability to seamlessly scale from supporting a smartphone with processing capability to form a network of a million computers to address complex problems is easily grasped by most of us. There is another unique aspect of CS scaling. It is about integrating the different foundation principles and building blocks to create a vastly complex new technology – aggregating and enhancing. 

This is more akin to life that uses “simple & robust” building blocks and creates everything from a bacterium to man – billions of them.  

CS is a bit like “God”, one perceives it in proportion to one’s grasp, capability and outlook!

B.                 Computerization

Computerization is the term used in formal organizations to describe the role of the “IT” department. Since the early days in 1970s when more and more companies started using computers for business and work, the IT department came into existence and sustenance. In Wikipedia, Computerize refers to:
è Equipping with a general purpose computer, or computer system
Because the remaining 3 aspects “inputting, digitizing and creating” is done by users from business, the role is dominantly towards “Equipping”. That is exactly typical IT department delivers! Check your IT department home-page for its services to confirm this approach!

Throughout 20th century, the IT department and its work is typically “Cost”. Very few measures exist in most businesses to measure and quantify the value of IT.  

Collins English dictionary states “Computerization” as – ” the conversion of work or processes to control by computer” – a very important distinction from earlier definition in Wikipedia. Sadly, many IT departments align with this simple tenet ONLY for the ERP based processes. Long-live SAP!

Equipment + Processes (ERP) + Access Control + Security + Cost are the universe of Computerization as practiced. 

The consequences are:
  1. Computers have been made a “Commodity” NOT a technology for “Innovation or Growth”
  2. Users are required to follow the “Rules” and “conduct” as defined by ERP or the IT policy – no other expectations. This “de-empowers” the users – a big loss of intelligence in most organizations!
  3. Competencies of IT department and the wider business users are never guided towards the core strengths and features of Computer Science. Therefore, they remain in the periphery of man-kind’s most impressive technological leap. This “denies” organizations the advantages of CS.
21st Century needs in Alignment of Computerization principles with Computer Science.

The first step to supporting strong Computer Science use in organizations is to recognize that "we're doing it wrong for the present century’s capability". The first mistake we made was in the organizational model. Centralized, IT-dominated computerization models are not conducive to empowering end users. Technology leaders should replace the existing Service-Customer or Control-Controlled relationship that persists between IT and the business with a cross-functional team that blends CS and business skills."

C.                 Transforming Computerization Fundamentals

Being at the cross-roads of a transforming world, stuck in the past and unclear about the future the approaches available need to allow continuity of present and favorably receive the future. 

  1. Create a separate IT department or controlled outsourcing of the “classical IT” elements.
  2. Pursue consistent and wide-spread “CS trainings” – supported by HR, compensation and performance metrics.
  3. Develop a comprehensive “data management” framework to capture all digital data into formal structured databases. 
  4. Nurture an "Ecosystem of Creativity" using CS. Empower all users with tools and techniques to facilitate solution creation.
  5. Capture and convert individual innovations into proper engineered solutions and deliver for wider use.

Companies which can “Crowd Source” and “Capture” intelligence and innovation embedded in their workforce will have distinctive advantage when the business models change from “quantity” to “quality” of knowledge.
It is not an issue of cost or funds. It is a matter of conception and perception.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

SWN case history of success with data and analytics

Southwestern Energy (SWN) is an independent E&P company with ~$14Billion market cap and ~4TCF reserves is bringing quantum growth in performance over the past decade, producing ~3% of USA gas supply with over 3000 wells.
E&P Magazine has showcased webcasts from (on) SWN highlighting their approach as an example of systematically adopting information technology, data management and big-data analytics. 

1.  Oil & Gas: Big Data Management:

Most people think the business as molecule of Hydrocarbon; SWN CEO articulates the business as – information processing (never touching the molecule). Exploration, Development and Production as information maturity gates emulating old-time EDP (Electronic Data Processing).
Creating a complete, competent and correct data management system, and arriving at a single-source of truth is shown in their case history.
Everything one can imagine is on the E&P data complexity. Key to success is within the data. It is not just to standardize, but to work for detecting and value creating from the anomalies. 

2. Leveraging Business Intelligence to get the 360 Degree View: 

The SWN CEO expands on their drilling information system and its optimization for managing the large number of wells. Integration of Technical, Operational, and Business systems provides a complete unified information view of the business. Their investment into information maturity is highlighted by the SWN Management view of the E&P business as the information management.  

3. The Game Has Changed: 

The SWN CEO brings forth how ‘right people working for the right things’ is achieved by – i) “can-do” workers who are loyal to the company; ii) Seamless information through overhaul of their infrastructure (IT); and iii) Process transformation with 360 view {PastàPresentàFuture} and data driven KPI.  SWN identifies it as their business transformation, showing in performance and value

The path to successful value creation in E&P is clearly through information maturity and integrated processes driven by ‘right people doing right job’. Considerable drive, investment and knowledge are needed to follow the path to value creation. Value of Information (VoI) is the power of 21st century.

“Growth is Living with the Information”.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Actionable Data

In this world of information overdrive, gigabyte is poverty (megabyte is abject penury), terabyte is the middle-class and petabyte is the target of growth! The Richie-rich are already at Exabyte and wanting to get Zettabytes!

None of data and information comes free, like the imaginary free-lunch; there is no cost-less data. As it gets cheaper to obtain data, it is fast becoming a curse like plastic. In life’s quests ranging from best travel deals, affordable real-estate, medical diagnostics to petroleum discovery the entire gamut is ridden with data and information. There is a big bad world of data sellers, who will sell you expensive latest data for a fancy million dollar price. DME (Data Marketing Executive) comes in all professional forms from a Chartered Accountant, Specialist Intervention Cardiologist, Personal Equity manager, Business Process Consultant, to Specialist Petroleum GeoScientist!
I can’t resist, You can’t resist and nobody can resist the temptation of acquiring the super-duper data from the latest gizmo at an affordable $12.5MM, with a promise to solve all worldly problems interrupting a $10B business opportunity! With such possibilities powerfully presented on  PowerPoint, especially in Petroleum E&P company MM gets treated as small as a millimeter!

There is a sensitive balance between the cost, quantity and actionability of information (or data). One can acquire a lot of high-fidelity information (at some cost) but may be incapable of acting on it. Many different examples can be shown to elucidate this situation.

1.      Stuck in a Mumbai traffic jam, with not an inch to move in any direction, any amount of detailed real-time information about the free-way 2km away is interesting, reassuring and comforting – but not actionable!

2.      After getting a nemesis assessment for the advanced cancer, and demonstrated lack of response to all drugs, any further new data of the progress of cancer in the body is – just more worrisome details and not actionable!

3.      Standing on the bow of Titatic as it is about to hit the ice-berg, the detailed data of seagulls which are sleeping on the bars of the deck is irrelevant, unconnected and not actionable!

4.      Watching rapidly declining production of oil or gas wells which are following their predecessors in death, all further high-resolution real-time well sensor data is great, but not necessarily actionable!

5.      When the entire reservoir model is a gross large-scale assessment, obtaining detailed instrumental data for 1cm core sample, is wonderful science but not always actionable!
Smartness lies in knowing what data is actionable and only pay for it!
{In this schematic representation, note the information value of the new data is tapering off in different situations. The actionable information is marked by <-- double arrow line -->. All investments in data beyond that level is futile}
Science and Technology continues to strive to make data actionable beyond the “typical” limits in different areas. Different situations elicit different sensitivity to more data and actionability. The relevant processes, process-response understanding, control mechanisms, response-ability, action-costs and other socio-political aspects intervene.
Business who have acquired Petabytes or more data needs to access how much of their data is “acted upon”, providing business relevant answers or corrections. Most expensive data are largely not actionable! They are acquired and collected as a trend or a fashion to keep up with peer pressure or for other personal gains!

Let us recognize the various types of data: 
  1. Actionable data
  2. Interesting data
  3. Fashionable data
  4. GIGO (Garbage In - Garbage Out)data
Next time you see the Petabyte think what is in it!