Wednesday, August 21, 2013

SWN case history of success with data and analytics

Southwestern Energy (SWN) is an independent E&P company with ~$14Billion market cap and ~4TCF reserves is bringing quantum growth in performance over the past decade, producing ~3% of USA gas supply with over 3000 wells.
E&P Magazine has showcased webcasts from (on) SWN highlighting their approach as an example of systematically adopting information technology, data management and big-data analytics. 

1.  Oil & Gas: Big Data Management:

Most people think the business as molecule of Hydrocarbon; SWN CEO articulates the business as – information processing (never touching the molecule). Exploration, Development and Production as information maturity gates emulating old-time EDP (Electronic Data Processing).
Creating a complete, competent and correct data management system, and arriving at a single-source of truth is shown in their case history.
Everything one can imagine is on the E&P data complexity. Key to success is within the data. It is not just to standardize, but to work for detecting and value creating from the anomalies. 

2. Leveraging Business Intelligence to get the 360 Degree View: 

The SWN CEO expands on their drilling information system and its optimization for managing the large number of wells. Integration of Technical, Operational, and Business systems provides a complete unified information view of the business. Their investment into information maturity is highlighted by the SWN Management view of the E&P business as the information management.  

3. The Game Has Changed: 

The SWN CEO brings forth how ‘right people working for the right things’ is achieved by – i) “can-do” workers who are loyal to the company; ii) Seamless information through overhaul of their infrastructure (IT); and iii) Process transformation with 360 view {PastàPresentàFuture} and data driven KPI.  SWN identifies it as their business transformation, showing in performance and value

The path to successful value creation in E&P is clearly through information maturity and integrated processes driven by ‘right people doing right job’. Considerable drive, investment and knowledge are needed to follow the path to value creation. Value of Information (VoI) is the power of 21st century.

“Growth is Living with the Information”.