Thursday, November 29, 2012

EMAILS need to Die

Email is dead, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg declared famously last November.
<Copied from my Intranet post on March 2012>
Thierry Breton, the CEO of Atos, the French information technology company, one of the largest IT companies in the world according to Forbes, agrees and acted to control the use and abuse of emails in the company.
“There is no question there are a lot of useless emails and loss of productivity. When there’s an email on your BlackBerry you end up answering it even though it may be less important than what you are doing. It’s a habit.” Senior-level executives and CEOs are supposed to be great at managing their time, but they are vulnerable when it comes to email2. An average business user responds to over a 100 emails daily, recent studies have found. Atos estimates that many employees spend 15-20 hours every week just checking email, of which only 15% are really useful to them or customers. But employees still trawl through the rest for fear of ‘missing out on something’.
You’ve got mail–not. Employees of tech company Atos will be banned from sending emails under the company’s new “zero email” policy. CEO Thierry Breton said only 10 percent of the 200 messages employees receive per day are useful and 18 percent is spam. That’s why he hopes the company can eradicate internal emails in 18 months1. The goal is focused on internal emails rather than external emails with clients and partners. Atos has already reduced the number of internal emails by 20 percent in six months. “We are producing data on a massive scale that is fast polluting our working environments and also encroaching into our personal lives,” he said in a statement when first announcing the policy in February. “At [Atos] we are taking action now to reverse this trend, just as organizations took measures to reduce environmental pollution after the industrial revolution.” The company says by 2013, more than half of all new digital content will be the result of updates to, and editing of existing information. Middle managers spend more than 25 percent of their time searching for information, according to the company

Good, Bad and Ugly of Emails

“We use email for archiving data, which is a bad way to do it. We use email to send global information to everyone — this is also a bad way to communicate; we use email to manage processes, which is a bad way to do it. We have many bad usages of email.” Atos CEO lamented!
I agree.
1. Emails are the source of business document repository for me and others
2. Business Processes are Chain Emails. Decision tracking is synonymous to email chain of any conversation
3. Confidentiality & Control is Email TO or CC list! Breach of confidentiality is BCC or inappropriate forwarding!
4. No surprise, emails are the company’s most sought after service! Mail boxes fill-up their 500MB quota (for everyone?) and Mail servers and capacity is the “IN-THING”!
5. Emails go around calling people for everything from a board meeting to sharing a cup of tea!
Emails revolutionized communication when they became popular in 1990-95. They killed the Paper-Mail successfully. I last wrote a letter to my mother in 1996! For 15 years, they rule this world!
I don’t see significant difference in email capability since 1996. This is possibly ONLY high-tech gimmick that remained so STATIC! We seem to love the OLD WINE.
SURELY, the Email has outlived its life and like PLASTIC is now plaguing the efficiency of thought, communication and conduct!

KPI of Information Maturity

Any business that is PERFORMING effectively is deemed to be “efficient” in its Information management IF and ONLY IF,
1. Emails (internal) are redundant! AND
2. PowerPoint is made defunct!

Digital World

Take this simple questionnaire and see for yourself the changing world of business
1. Everything created at work is now some kind of digital content (Yes/No)
2. Barring Plants, Machinery and such Physical Assets rest of business process is creating, organizing and administering digital content. (Yes/No)
3. Organization structure, Roles and Assignments are ‘create, access, review and approve’ rights on Digital Content (yes/No).
4. All process related work is exercising the rights on one or more Digital Content (Yes/No)
5. All decisions are determining Go or No-go on a decision tree defined on a digital content (Yes/No)
6. Business Contexts (Assets, Functions, Attributes etc) are taxonomic classification of one or more digital content (Yes/No)
7. Security (barring physical search and security) with its cameras, ID-Cards, access-doors etc. is digital content (Yes/No)
8. Safety, Health, Environment translates to digital content of some observations, measurements or records (Yes/No)
9. KPIs, BSCs, SLAs all are digital measures (Yes/No)
10. Business Processes, Systems, Data, Roles, Contexts – all are digital contents (Yes/No)
1990-2012 the world of computer science and the technology that supports digital contents has radically changed

Bullock Carts and Hydrogen Cars

Most of the management concepts, diagraming methods, workflow mechanism, and hierarchical taxonomies are from the age of Bullock Carts!
They may co-exist on the streets of India, but to pursue a program to implement bullock cart transportation model in 2012 will be preposterous
Expanding Email based work culture is the same!
Entire world of Business Information and Digital Content CAN be elegantly and completely handled with better technologies. Contextual Business Information Frameworks (BIF) and expansive databases with analytical intelligence is the PRESENT and the FUTURE

Inefficient Technology is Death knell

What we do today needs to
· Conscious Learning from the PAST
· Alert Understanding of the PRESENT
· Intelligent Appreciation of the FUTURE
With Information Technologies changing at ‘exponential rates’ and successful businesses riding on ‘appropriate’ technologies – it is imperative to be innovative.
Choice of appropriate Technologies that wean out of Emails and PowerPoint is needed to face the Future. KPI that clearly discourages these tools must be part of BSC or other maturity measures. Information Maturity must be measured and pursued to its logical excellence!
Following methods of a Leader of 20th Century in 21st Century is not wise.


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